Comment 42545

By Jimmy (anonymous) | Posted June 28, 2010 at 22:55:46

Sorry, Micheal, been busy.

A truly Eco-industrial design will relieve your fears over storm-water. By using such things as ditching (as opposed to storm sewers), roof top and super tunnel storage that can be used for irrigation purposes as well as providing not potable water for flushing of toilets, your fears will be eliminated. In addition by allowing permeable surfaces in parking areas will allow for ground water recharge. The problem is we have spent too much time engineering solutions to wisk stormwater away as opposed to reusing is for many purposes. Heck, so industry in the AEGD may use it for their purposes rather than using treated potable water. The possibility's are endless. The only problem with the AEGD from a development perspective is that you're dealing with the headwaters of three watersheds, the solutions are obvious and eco-friendly, lets not ignore them and the great opportunity that is present.

Fire your next questions, looking forward to it!

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