Comment 42506

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted June 28, 2010 at 12:57:37

Ryan, here is the wikipedia definition of libertarianism...

"Libertarianism describes a range of political beliefs that advocate the maximization of an individual's ability to think and act with few constraints from large social structures, such as government, and the minimization or even abolition of the state"

Did you notice the word "minimization"? What that means is less, not more. In particular, it means less government spending, not more government spending. Under Bush II, government spending increased faster than private spending.

Here is a quote from wikipedia explaining what Keynesian economic policies are about...

"Keynesian economics advocates a mixed economy—predominantly private sector, but with a large role of government and public sector"

From 2000 to 2010, U.S. government spending increased from 30.36% of GDP to 37.58%. If you were to choose an economic school of thought that best describes the last ten years, what would you say it was closer to, Keynesian or libertarian?

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