Comment 42504

By BobInnes (registered) - website | Posted June 28, 2010 at 11:49:52

Kiely, that link is a keeper. Thanks. It didn't mention banking but then it was written in 2002 before banking exposed itself as one huge villan. A term i've heard recently is 'money democracy'. My takeaway -

Civic and political movements must call for a decent separation of corporation and state.

Nicely reminiscent of 'church and state' (though my thoughts on that subject have been drifting oppositely of late) but how is that separation to be accomplished? As messy as the first? I didn't see many main streeters at the G20 protest (wasn't watching though). We need change, especially here, but it seems we're stuck. The Athenian idea seems like a fundamental/ real way out of our mess and I wish someone would comment on it, even if its a long shot. Canada is still a young country so fundamental (constitutional) changes are still possible?

PS. Somewhere I read a similar thing about the lifestyle of medieval kings. Technically you are right of course but lets pretend the homeless are just crazy to be out there which means the definition of poverty becomes someone on welfare. An arguable case? ;-)

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