Comment 42500

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted June 28, 2010 at 10:55:55

Ryan, I wish Bush had been pro-liberty, unfortunately he put more faith in the government to create jobs and economic opportunities...

GDP 2000 - $9,951.5B
Total Government Spending 2000 - $3,021.5B
Percent of GDP - 30.36%

GDP 2008 - $14,441.4B
Total government Spending 2008 - $5,025.0B
Percent of GDP - 34.80%

Obama is continuing the madness...

GDP 2010 1st Quarter - $14,592.4B
Total Government Spending 2010 1st Quarter - $5,483.6B
Percent of GDP - 37.58%

If you look at the growth rate of government spending vs overall economic growth since 2000, here is what you get...

Overall economy - 46.6%
Total Government Spending - 81.48%

As you can see, the last ten years have been all about growing government spending. If a true libertarian would have been in power, government spending would have grown less than the 46.6% and far less than 81.48%.

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