Comment 42480

By Mr. Meister (anonymous) | Posted June 27, 2010 at 02:14:35

A Smith - A very arbitrary list at best. The single most important invention for mankind was the wheel and it is not on the list. How did the printing press not make the list? How can the internet not make any list of the most important inventions? As more and more inventions are made our technology becomes more and more complicated making it more and more difficult to invent something relatively simple. The Gutenberg Press was a real society changing invention. Compare that to a modern color inkjet printer. The inkjet is very nice to have and makes our lives easier but not revolutionary like the Gutenberg. I could probably make some kind of rudimentary typeface press in my shop given some time but an inkjet printer would never happen. Yet the Gutenberg is by far the most revolutionary invention. Like I said a very arbitrary list with lots of room for many arguments.

Undustrial - I am not sure what your reference to Linux v Windows relates. Linux family of OS's is really only a factor in servers which are run by a tiny group of people who are computer savvy and can actually use it. Windows is used by hundreds of millions all over the world. Not really any kind of comparison.

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