Comment 42436

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted June 24, 2010 at 15:47:39

Ken, two way streets may be a great thing to promote business, but why do these decisions have to be made by the government? Why can't the people who live on the street and directly benefit from the changes make them? Are, we the people, so stupid that we need some urban planning junkie like Ryan McGreal to tell us the best way to configure our streets to create the best economic environment?

The government tells us that education is important and therefore we allow it to spend massive amounts of money giving us a one size fits all curriculum. What if some people would rather learn what THEY want, not what McGuinty wants. What if people would rather spend that money tinkering in their workshop? Tough shit, that's not allowed because the government says so. WTF? What happened to our God given freedom to craft our own lives using our own inclinations, talents and income?

Or how about our "FREE" health care system. We spend billions giving free health care, regardless of how life threatening the situation is, which means less money in everybody's pocket to spend making their business better, investing in new products or simply buying ice cream for their kids. It once again assumes that the government knows better than the individual how their own money should be spent. How can that be possible? Is the government able to read people's minds?

Prior to 1932, our society produced far more life changing inventions than we do today. Take a look at the number of BIG inventions that were created prior to the welfare state...

Today we get go into a frenzy over the creation of things like the IPhone or Twitter. Where is the guy building the cold fusion reactor, transporter or space ship? These things are all possible, but as long as we allow the government to allocate capital and tell people what they should be learning, which is to get a job and pay taxes, it will be a very long time before these come into existence.

People that trust in other humans don't feel the need to have large government. Big government is only desired by those who want to control the lives of others, either for their own benefit or because they feel that others are incapable of living their lives without the help of the elite. These people are either evil or arrogant, both bad qualities.

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