Comment 42310

By BobInnes (registered) - website | Posted June 22, 2010 at 14:54:54

Highwater: You're focusing on semantics. Sigh. If there had been a huge wave of disgruntled commies immigrate from Russia after the iron curtain fell, I'd have more of a chance to complain about some foreign white values, no? And given that Britain founded (more or less) both the US and Canada, you can perhaps forgive my poor semantics. American values are foreign only insomuch as the two countries have diverged, more or less.

Which i hope kind of explains why i'm not overly bothered to distinguish between the US's Founding founders and our own Fathers of Confederation for purposes of this discussion. The wider world refers to Anglo-American civilization, culture, economies, etc.

Kiely: Kudos for pushing an issue that needs attention. We can waste a lot of time arguing philosophical points, semantics, etc. What really matters is where the rubber hits the road - actual policies. Having had all this input from readers, can you give us a few thoughts on what you think should be done? My own recommendation would be something along the lines of either enhancing the newcomer's Oath of Allegiance so as to address troublesome points or alternatively to have our lawmakers alter policies/ laws/ constitution (!ok, the last is a stretch!) to address these points in such a way that demographic changes cannot undo what we are trying to achieve. Probably other ideas are needed as well so what is needed is a leader with imagination, a sense of history and heart.

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