Comment 42176

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted June 18, 2010 at 13:19:20

Size and geography wise, I always likened us to Geneva, Switzerland. If you wanna see an unbelievably vibrant, low-rise city... Heck, that's why they named our bay Lake Geneva.

As for Portland, you can tell it's successful because all the usual goals of success (ie: high inner-city property values) are treated like crushing defeats by pundits.

Oh, and A Smith, I agree about limiting property taxes and not penalizing people for improving properties. But doesn't that start putting you dangerously near the point of becoming H. George instead? In any case, how about the Swiss policy that the government can't raise taxes for something without passing an electoral vote on it. Doesn't seem to have held back either business or social services anywhere near as well as our promise-and-fail system.

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