Comment 41996

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted June 15, 2010 at 17:00:59

2009 Annual report? That's funny. The whole point of an annual report is to make investors feel like business is booming. You'd be hard pressed to find a 2009 Annual report that said otherwise, despite what happened to the world's economy that same year.

I've been hearing about how the Airport is "the next big thing" since my 9th grade history class was visited by Stan Keys. There's an almost cult-ish devotion to the idea among those in city hall, despite the fact that there clearly isn't any real desire in either the business world or among the electorate for such a boondoggle.

So where's the hundreds of millions of dollars for rail and harbour freight? Both of which already heavily service our existing industrial areas, and both of which are much more likely to be economically viable three or four decades from now than planes and trucks.

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