Comment 41974

By TD (registered) | Posted June 15, 2010 at 12:04:18

From what I understand the process and studies were done and its a last minute change proposed by certain councillors that the Chamber is opposed to.

How is it Hamilton is lucky enough to have councillors that are experts on Traffic, Planning, Engineering, Architecture, Stadiums, etc.

Councillors are not elected by businesses and they don't serve businesses -- well, they shouldn't, even if they usually do. You don't have to be an expert in anything to listen to your constituency's concerns and (this is the important bit) make it incumbent on industry to come up with a viable solution, not the constituency. Why should the council solve the trucking industry's problems at the expense of the people instead of solving the people's problems at the expense of the trucking industry? I realize that the city must support business to survive, but not at all costs, and there should be no confusion over whose needs take priority.

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