Comment 41953

By Kiely (registered) | Posted June 14, 2010 at 12:18:44

Kiely, if you're speaking about Hart Solomon someone addressed that already. - Frank

I'm not talking about anyone in particular Frank... just speaking from personal experience. In my company (and more accurately, division of the company) "Good on paper" is our catch phrase when discussing engineers.

it's the best engineers/designers that go out to the field to view the impact of their work and are willing to make design changes based on something other than the status quo. And there are some of those, I've met them. Unfortunately, it's not the norm though. - Frank

That's been my experience as well. We have 2 or 3 engineers (which is about 10%) that are worth their salt and go out to the field. But the problem with them becomes getting them to keep their mouth shut in front of the customers : )

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