Comment 41950

By Kiely (registered) | Posted June 14, 2010 at 11:00:31

I understand the importance of personal vehicles and have posted about my belief the car is essential for our current economy. BUT we have enough roads and should not be building more lanes on already congested roadways. Drive past Kitchener on the 401 at ~5PM. The traffic congestion getting OUT of KW/Cambridge is ridiculous. If we take the "add more lanes" approach in Halton, it won't be long before the Kitchener to Halton stretch is widened and then the London to Kitchener stretch, etc, etc, etc… This province needs to begin addressing the future of transportation. More roads allowing for more cars is not the way. We need a Southern Ontario mass transit strategy and we can't even get a GTA mass transit strategy (at least not one that isn't at constant risk of having its budget slashed). If you could get on a train in KW or Hamilton, Pickering or wherever along the 401, every half hour (or even hour) for 18 hours a day to get to Toronto we wouldn't need more roads.

We have enough roads, we have enough cars… It is time for some real solutions. Start by getting trains running on a regular all day schedule on the lines we have… this should have been done decades ago. Then eventually, TRUE multi-regional transit is going to have to happen, better now than later (These things never go down in price). This is where the billions of dollars of bail out money should have gone, this is where a hefty portion of the billions of dollars of stimulus money should have gone. Instead we dumped money into the poorest performers of an out-dated industry and (from the stimulus spending posters I have seen) roads for their product.

For shame.

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