Comment 41902

By Michelle Martin (registered) - website | Posted June 11, 2010 at 23:04:19

This is an interesting post, Ben. When I was googling around to write about Deaf Child signs and came across the Jacksonville, Florida website take on it (which is not to post them), I also noticed their take on stop-signs-by-request:

Many people believe that installing stop signs on all approaches to an intersection will result in fewer accidents. This is not always the case. Although the accident severity may be lessened, drivers are penalized by the additional delay and higher vehicle operating costs (fuel, brakes, etc.). There is no real evidence to indicate that stop signs decrease the speed of traffic. Impatient drivers view the additional delay caused by unwarranted stop signs as "lost time" to be made up by driving at higher speeds between stop signs. Unwarranted stop signs breed disrespect by motorists who tend to ignore them or slow down without stopping. This can sometimes lead to tragic consequences...Stop signs should not be viewed as a cure-all for solving all safety problems but, when properly located, can be useful traffic control devices to enhance safety for all roadway users.

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