Comment 41897

By J Morse (anonymous) | Posted June 11, 2010 at 16:21:23

Why does this have to be framed as a confrontation?

I drive, walk, bike, and love transit, but find driving far too easy. Furthermore, car use may have been a choice, but now for most it's a dependence. Most of us are not fortunate enough to have jobs that allow us to choose alternatives easily. Now, because car use is so deeply built into our culture, many who can choose would still drive.

Jumping alone into a ready vehicle and driving long distances every day needs to become difficult.

It's not either the stick or carrot approach, it's both. This is our current transportation funding model. It's just that the harmful mode is being actively encouraged, while the non-destructive alternatives receive too little support.

The most important shifts in human activity probably won't just happen by themselves. It requires regulation. I hate to say it, but we (or those we elect) aren't always mature enough to make wise decisions. Look at the reductions in smoking, drunk driving, and billions of plastic bags. These are positive results of the stick, as you put it, being put to good use.

Bring on the free market will fix everything arse-hole comments! hehe

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