Comment 41844

By Jarod (registered) | Posted June 10, 2010 at 14:02:19

Frank: I too am pursuing civil engineering. Kudos. Also, as I have mentioned a few times here, even the people in our transportation classes don't get it. They don't think in a manner that serves everyone is a very move-traffic-along-and-everything-else-can-get-lost approach. Alas...if only we could teach these classes....

DK: I find it funny that we JUST talked about the Bill Kelly's interesting how things come up in a conversation, and then something happens that prove everything that was mentioned.

desmond: I apologize if this comes across in the wrong way, as I too am guilty of this. In the past I have been eager to have my input heard and understood, and as well meaning as it may or may not have been, even a little research would have gone a long way to help me better understand what I was talking about. Research and studies and consultations about the truck master plans are nearly exactly as was said above. Nothing more than a list of streets with an ok.

Do we really think that if a FULL study was done that we would have such an all-encompassing truck route? I don't think so.

As happens far too often there is a one side bias that pays the bills, and another that pays the price for faulty logic, poor research and selfishness.

Comment edited by Jarod on 2010-06-10 13:44:30

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