Comment 41837

By Dave Kuruc (anonymous) | Posted June 10, 2010 at 13:28:14

Frank said: "Desmond I challenge you to find any traffic engineer worth his salt who would say that it's imperative that those roads remain truck routes. I am an engineering technologist and while my discipline is "civil" part of my course was devoted to transportation and even with my basic knowledge I understand that it's not necessary..."

Hart Soloman - head of the city's traffic engineering dept. sat on my stoop at the corner of Cannon and James and told me that Cannon will never be anything more than what it is...

My suggestions of Cannon remaining one way but creating traffic calming initiatives - bump outs at major intersections, parking to create buffers for pedestrian friendly sidewalks, softscaping and bike lanes were all turned down because of the need to keep an "efficient flow" of traffic happening. Do we really need all four lanes for cars - really? At some points in the conversation we couldn't hear each other talk because of the noise of speeding trucks and noisy trailers.

But I'm just a lowly downtown business owner - I guess if I were "Foxy" and owned a transport company - I would actually be taken seriously.

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