Comment 41808

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted June 10, 2010 at 09:03:09

While it would be great to see a redefinition of truck size, etc, banning everything bigger than a cube van from residential areas and from cutting through downtown would still be a reasonable solution. If companies decided to switch from 18 wheelers (making multiple stops) to fleets of smaller trucks, they'd be allowed within these areas provided they have a reason to be there - i.e. deliveries.

Biz, I'm not sure what point you are trying to make but truck routes are designed to control THROUGH traffic. Any truck that has to make a delivery is allowed off of the truck route, assuming they take the shortest path to do so and get back to the truck route using the shortest path (minimizing distance travelled off-route).

I don't think these are unreasonable requests for the general public to be making.

I propose regular organized protests on a major truck through street. Say Cannon at Wellington or James. Trucks will be stopped and all other vehicles allowed to proceed. We need to send a message that through truck traffic is not welcome in the core. I am willing to participate and will donate safety vests!

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