Comment 41575

By rrrandy (registered) - website | Posted June 04, 2010 at 17:31:56

I agree with the minority here who see that Dreschell was libeled with the comments, and that it was correct to take the comment out. Dreschell gets paid to write the way he does; indeed, he gets paid enough to drive a nice bmw. That may make him ostentatious, but it doesn't make him a racist, or even a a bad writer. It just puts him firmly in the middle class, with the power of his position. The way he uses it, well, he does what is expected, he stirs things up. I am surprised at how so few on this list can see the basic fact - he was called a racist (an aversion to coloured people = racist, c'mon) - lets keep it real. Now, there may be an argument that the SPEC is a racist institution. I am serious. How many of the editors, publishers, even staff writers, are people of colour? What is their hiring policy? This is perhaps a community issue that needs addressing, not defending unproven allegations. Who here would like to be accused of something nasty, with no evidence. That's just not right, period.

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