Comment 41544

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted June 03, 2010 at 13:44:44

As much as I complain about the ineffectiveness of electoral systems, I must admit, I love a good campaign. I lost count of the number I've volunteered on long ago. Knocking on doors, pounding in signs, spending all day in polling stations and then getting good and drunk with a who's who of city politicos afterward. For all the frustration, it's a lot of fun, and very educational. And I agree in full, the Municipal level is by far the most workable.

This isn't to say that I've ever found it to be a particularly effective means of bringing change (win or lose). I once met a guy who'd given the current Mayor's parents a place to stay during her campaign as a part of their oppsosition to a highway project have the Mayor then flip flop, as soon as she got power, and he ended up arrested for trying to stop it. Twice (once alongside Jane Jacobs' son, Ned). But if you want an education in how the system works, as well as a way to develop a working relationship with the people who run it, spend some time electioneering. If nothing else, there's almost always free drinks at the end.

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