Comment 41468

By UrbanRenaissance (registered) | Posted June 02, 2010 at 11:16:00

Then why is mr Dreschel allowed to write his drivel, I am always taken back by his OPINIONS of things.

The fact that it's his opinion is why its allowed.

From what I've read, libel only occurs when you express something as a statement of fact which can be proven as false in court; thus personal opinions don't count. It's also potentially protected under the fair comment defense.

Edit: To prevent the inevitable responses to this post, I should probably also formally declare that I am also not a lawyer and that everything I am saying is based on an Ethics/Law class from university and my own online reading. Also, I am not defending Mr. Dreschel or his views.

Comment edited by UrbanRenaissance on 2010-06-02 10:23:38

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