Comment 41436

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted June 01, 2010 at 20:01:41

Every time I hear the term "NIMBY" it makes a little less sense. It seems, ultimately, that a NIMBY is someone who:

a) Has any type of interest in local politics b) Cares about where they live c) Makes any kind of public statement to that effect.

These days all it does is cause my ears to perk up, since nine times out of ten, people only use terms like "NIMBY" if they have some sort of agenda they want to push through which obviously doesn't have the kind of democratic support they think it should. And yes, some people are bigoted, overly sensetive about their property values (and nothing else), and or just plain old think they own their neighbourhood. Tough. That's politics. And I'd much rather argue with people who have concerns about what goes up in "their back yard" than those who have slick PR and lobbying teams like those representing the Trucking Industry.

If nobody wants trucks in their neighbourhoods, what should this be telling us about trucks?

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