Comment 41405

By Robert D (anonymous) | Posted June 01, 2010 at 12:06:47

"Why should the Clairmont be a truck route, squeezing 18 wheelers through the narrow blocks between the mountain brow and Fennell Ave, past school crossings and a struggling commercial district? Why haven't truck routes been re-designated to go to and from the expressway system that now rings our city? Why any "through" city truck routes other than the expressways?"

Following the Race, while I agree with you for the most part (especially regarding "through" routes. However, you have to remember that truck routes are not only "through" routes, but they're also the routes that the trucks are supposed to stick on FOR AS LONG AS POSSIBLE when picking up and dropping off in areas of the city not on the truck route. If we remove too many roads from the routes, then trucks essentially have free reign to say "well, I have to get to Mohawk and Upper Gage, but neither street is on the truck route, so I can take either to get to where I need to go." This is no more ideal than the situation we have now, where both streets are on the list.

What we really need is to strike a balance, restrict the truck route sufficiently that residential neighbourhours are minimally impacted, but have a truck route that is expansive enough that it serves it's purpose: Giving large trucks a list of roads that they must stick to for as long as possible.

I agree that our truck route right now is overly expansive, we have to be concerned about what happens if we go the other way and become overly restrictive. Mind you I think we could easily get rid of a quarter of the streets and not be overly restrictive, but that's my personal view.

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