Comment 41401

By Following the Race (anonymous) | Posted June 01, 2010 at 11:28:12

Yes Race To The Bottom, you have it right. Property values reflect quality of life in residential communities, and our various municipal political representatives and bureaucrats were gaga just a few short months ago over the advice of experts such as Richard Florida who said enhancing the quality of life in our urban communities would attract the best and brightest who will drive local economies in the future.

East Mountain residents seem to get the point while our reps and bureaucrats seem to have reverted to old political styles intended to mask past failures, specifically that the Red Hill Valley has not delivered the promised industrial growth on the East Mountain. But resurecting the old RHV debate only leads to a political dead end. The thing is built, and the EMC should be congratulated for constructively embracing NIMBYism.

Here's my question: Why should the Clairmont be a truck route, squeezing 18 wheelers through the narrow blocks between the mountain brow and Fennell Ave, past school crossings and a struggling commercial district? Why haven't truck routes been re-designated to go to and from the expressway system that now rings our city? Why any "through" city truck routes other than the expressways?

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