Comment 41388

By mikeonthemountain (registered) | Posted June 01, 2010 at 09:00:38

One more thing ... even if some residents are motivated by property values, I'm confident most residents are primarily motivated by public health and quality of life. Seriously, who is more selfish ... the trucker that shortcuts through neighborhoods and (maybe sometimes) saves 2 minutes, or the residents who want to breathe clean air when they are at home?

The following excerpt is relevant to truck routes regarding pollution impact:

Diesel vehicles emit far higher levels of pollutant nanoparticles than petrol engines.

researchers at Imperial College London asked 60 people with mild or moderate asthma to walk along the western end of the busy Oxford Street in central London, where only diesel-powered taxis and buses, plus cyclists, are permitted. The volunteers suffered asthma symptoms such as reduced breathing capacity and lung inflammation.

I hope they care about the health and well being of their residents (and neighbors) and will make wise decisions accordingly.

Comment edited by mikeonthemountain on 2010-06-01 08:05:24

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