Comment 41386

By Robert D (anonymous) | Posted June 01, 2010 at 08:41:35

They didn't go far enough in my opinion. The whole of concession street should not be on the truck route. Go to concession - it's two lanes, one in each direction, with on street parking. It is wholly unsuitable for large trucks to travel on.

"City staff warn that removal of Kenilworth Access as a truck route will 'force traffic from the east end of the Concession Street BIA to drive the length of the BIA to access the truck route system.'"

This makes me laugh. They don't have to drive the length of the BIA, all they have to do is head up Upper Sherman or Upper Gage and they'll be back on a truck route - where they should be! These streets are much larger and more suited to truck traffic than driving the length of the BIA.

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