Comment 41384

By mikeonthemountain (registered) | Posted June 01, 2010 at 08:24:07

Most pertinently, they reminded the committee that construction of the $250-million Red Hill Valley Parkway, just east of Kenilworth, was justified on the grounds that it would remove long-distance traffic from neighbourhood streets.

What is wrong with city council? Wanting the trucks to use the RHVP that was built for them is selfish? Uhm, some things justify NIMBY; some things don't belong in backyards. Toxic waste, diesel exhaust, smokestacks, landfill, etc ... are some examples of things that a psychologically healthy human would not wish in anyone's backyard including their own. Trucks just passing through should not spew black smelly smoke onto lawns and patios and backyards. I would call that elementary sanity, but that's me.

They hack up a beautiful strand of wilderness, install a highway, and still encourage trucks to fly through the mountain brow which is now the only remaining green space?

Is there not even a residue of giving a crap about neighborhoods left in this city?

Downtown, mountain, Dundurn, Kenilworth ... we're all in this together ... trying to convince a selfish pack of cyborgs that humans live here too.

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