Comment 41379

By jason (registered) | Posted June 01, 2010 at 07:57:44

The RHVP was built to have trucks circumvent the city and get heavy traffic off of the streets

No, that was just one of the lies used to win support from certain parts of the city. Believe me, trucks are more important than you or I, or our kids.

Wood also argued the move caters to a NIMBY attitude and will ultimately create more emissions from trucks.

Wood, being a rep from the Ontario trucking association.
I had to laugh at this quote from him. It's like these people think we are all brain-dead. This was the same argument they used to repeat over and over in order to win support for Red Hill - highways will allow us to release less emissions instead of driving through the city. Now, he's telling us that residents demanding trucks use Red Hill and our ring highway system will create 'more emissions'.
We're not morons Mr Wood. Sure, the spec allowed his quote to be printed without calling him on this double-speak, so I thought I'd do their job for them and print it here.

The city's own simulations, by contrast, estimate that travel times on the RHVP could be up to 300 percent longer than on Kenilworth.

And then there's this beauty from the city. So, all the talk of how more quickly and efficiently trucks and traffic will be able to move through the city by using Red Hill instead of mountain accesses and Centennial Pkwy was also just a lie??

Kind of makes you wonder why we built the highway if it's so useless and serves no purpose for anyone.

Comment edited by jason on 2010-06-01 07:01:09

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