Comment 41142

By Kiely (registered) | Posted May 26, 2010 at 10:17:54

We're trying to show them that there's value in working hard, there's value in being a person of one's word, there's value in fighting really hard to get an education, there's value to paying off your debts, there's value in being self-sufficient and not depending on people to bail you out of your self-caused problems. - Meredith

This is difficult when the society we live in generally works against you in this regard. A society where the highest earners are generally not the hardest workers, where a general BA is no guarantee of a job and career colleges are exploiting the unemployed, where governments, banks and businesses are poor examples of fiscal responsibility and billion dollar banks and underperforming corporate dinosaurs can belly up to the bar for bailouts and relief from their self-caused problems.

I do not condone it but I am also not surprised when a certain percentage of the population just say "F&#% it", opt out of being active contributing members of society and spend the majority of their time searching for the easy way.

The "path of least resistance" is a common theme in physics after all.

Comment edited by Kiely on 2010-05-26 09:18:59

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