Comment 40960

By Rene Gauthier (anonymous) | Posted May 20, 2010 at 14:07:10

Look folks,

Hamilton's biggest problem right now is that the city is still perceived to be an industrial city. And I don't believe that the city has done enough to attract the technology businesses into the city. And unfortunately, the city doesn't have the right people in the right places to do this.

The other problem that remains is that the city is decaying from the inside and that doesn't bode well for the city as a whole. We've spent the last 10 years and change reconciling by-laws from the former municipalities into one, while bolstering the downtown cores of the former municipalities. As the result of these multi-centrist values, the real downtown core has suffered from neglect on both the property owner's and the city by-law enforcement teams.

We need to fix the core and do it fast. We need inspection blitzes and a comprehensive central plan which includes expropriation of downtown properties to give the developers the tools they need to get something built here. We don't need anymore parking lots where buildings once stood. With the right people, we can get this done.

I just don't know who will step up...

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