Comment 40947

By Jonathan Dalton (registered) | Posted May 20, 2010 at 12:20:37


It's funny - google map the location and you can see it's a parking lot wasteland in its current form. Compare that to the rendering above - this is what revitalization means - less parking.

It's a pretty good comparison actually. Lansdowne Park is 2.7km away from downtown Ottawa (Bank / Wellington), our west harbour site is 1.4km from King and James. In comparing those distances keep in mind the scale of Ottawa, whose built up downtown area reaches further than ours. `1.4km from the Ottawa site and you would be into 3 storey commercial buildings.

The Ottawa stadium site is 1km from a highway, but there are no high capacity roads connecting it. Bank Street through the Glebe neighbourhood is similar to Locke Street. This is a rich, very trendy niegbourhood that would be at least as concerned about increased traffic and parking as our North End. The other only other road for access is the historic Queen Elizabeth driveway which is 2 lanes and will not be widened.

The Hamilton site is 1.4km from York and Dundurn, which is basically the highway. It's only 1/2km from York and Queen, meaning you have 3 lanes each direction to access the stadium up until half a kilometer from the site.

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