Comment 40940

By Rene Gauthier` (anonymous) | Posted May 20, 2010 at 11:42:01

The only way to reduce the trucks and have small delivery vehicles is to designate hubs at three locations and then let the small trucks take over. But the only way that can be brought to fruition is through by-laws and the establishment of more restrictive truck routes. The problem with that is that it's bound to create some frustration and it will result in higher costs in transportation.

That's one debate to start.

As far as making Hamilton a great place to raise a child, that will start with people getting jobs closer to home, which are few and far between. Those who have jobs downtown are the lucky ones. But with that in mind, we need to lure not just manufacturing and warehousing jobs, but R&D, high-tech and even try to lure a big bank to set up its head office in Hamilton. With the way banking is done these days, they really don't all need to be in Toronto.

But even at that, getting good jobs downtown is pointless without a good plan to enforce building codes and perhaps consider expropriation to those who decide they'd rather hold out on developers who want to build nicer building so they can get more money.

We can reduce our property tax burden with more businesses coming in.
Another point to ponder...

I'm full of them!

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