Comment 40911

By Rod (anonymous) | Posted May 19, 2010 at 18:57:41

Well, I hope, for Hamilton's sake, that the expressed sentiments are genuine; Lord knows, Hamilton's light rail line was needed yesterday.

That said, my confidence in Metrolinx and its head, Robert Prichard, is on a steady downward trajectory, so I have a tendency now to take any pronouncements emanating from that organization with more than a few grains of salt - and I would suggest that anyone else would be prudent to adopt the same stance.

Item: Not sure if anyone in Hamilton has been following the circus surrounding cost estimates for upgrading the Toronto-Peterborough rail line for passenger train service, but Mr. Prichard (an academic, with little or nothing in the way of transit or transportation experience in his background, it should be remembered) and his buddies have pulled a real stunt on that project - inflating the cost estimates by about seven times (total Metrolinx cost estimate for that now $540-million) compared to the cost of, on a cost per mile basis, for example, the Bradford to Barrie GO train extension. And now they are arguing that they can't proceed with the track upgrading because it is unaffordable!!

Careful. Wouldn't put it past Metrolinx to try the same stunt with Hamilton's LRT.

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