Comment 40833

By jason (registered) | Posted May 18, 2010 at 18:35:29

exactly. The quality of life is so great compared to most US cities that people move there even without a job....the jobs can't keep up with the migration. Imagine living in a city where people actually WANT to move there, regardless of whether there is work for them or not.

One small example of Portland's entrepreneurship can be found in coffee houses right here in Hamilton. Check the inside label of your coffee cup 'sleeve' the next time you're at The Courtyard or My Dog Joe. Yep, that's right. Made in Portland. When people fall in love with their urban environment, the creative juices will flow and they'll figure out a way to pay the bills and not have to move to some filthy industrial centre just for a job.

Comment edited by jason on 2010-05-18 17:38:16

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