Comment 40817

By Earl (anonymous) | Posted May 18, 2010 at 15:08:32

Bob didn't want to comment publicly but had to because there were not enough concessions being brought forward by the city for the west harbourfront site. IMHO he will move or sell or fold the team if he can't get enough concessions, but the facilitator will be sure that he will not do this. Regardless of the site, it is my belief that the TigerCats and sponsors are not able to bring enough funds to the table to upgrade the stadium to a very nice 25,000 seater. So in the end the city will get a west harbourfront or some other downtown location, and the TigerCats will get an excellent deal on rent with no funds going into the stadium from them and the taxpayers will pick up the tab to get the stadium to 25,000. Bob will keep the Cats in Hamilton and see how it works out at the new downtown or near downtown stadium for a few years and what happens after that is anyones guess. Hopefully the Cats will have great attendance the Bob can run a successful team and Hamilton can have our cherished TiCats for years and years to come.

Now hopefully the taxpayers are ok forking out the extra money to have a 25,000 downtown stadium, we'll see.

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