Comment 40679

By confused (anonymous) | Posted May 14, 2010 at 16:15:42

After reading this letter, I went back to read Dreschel's column again. I see a disconnect between the column's content and the tongue-lashing delivered in this letter. To me this sounds like a bit of vanity and a bruised ego were at play here. I can appreciate how Butani may feel off-put by the half-hour interview not materializing into an article focussing on him, but let's face it news is a fickle business and rumblings that DiIanni may launch a rematch against his rival from the 2006 election does makes for big news. So Dreschel decided to go with this item and shelved his interview notes for some future column. After a stinging rebuke like that, complete with an uncalled-for, over-the-top accusation of racism, it would not be surprising if Dreschel moves his Butani interview notes from the shelf to the bin.

There may be some bad history between Dreschel and Butani that goes unsaid in this letter that may in Butani's mind justify this scathing response. For an outside observer such as myselfwatching from the sidelines, this letter does not demonstrate the qualities I would expect to find in a mayoral candidate. Perhaps this is an opportunity for Butani to apply some serious introspection and personal change of his own.

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