Comment 40603

By Robert D (anonymous) | Posted May 10, 2010 at 11:51:59

"Recently heard that the big plans for the Augusta Athletic Club, which was announced with much fanfare, have been abandoned due to "lack of interest"...according to their website...
Yet another downtown project that didn't get off the ground... "

From what I've heard they made a rather half-hearted attempt to solicit "interest" so I wouldn't be surprised. The ONLY place I heard about this club was on RTH, although I've been told there was a brief mention (not even an article) in the Spec. That's not really a great way to solicit interest.

There should have been signs, and a media advertising campaign to make it clear they were looking for expressions of interest. I'm sure many people were looking forward to it quietly without realizing that they had to "express interset" in order to get the thing built. I'm willing to bet the majority of their "target customers" never even knew of the proposal.

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