Comment 40583

By canbyte (registered) | Posted May 08, 2010 at 17:06:51

Jason. No doubt we cannot expect new industry to undertake expensive clean up unless there is a draw (such as the harbour) which induces them to look past the cost and to discard non-Hamilton investments open to them. Condos indeed may fit the bill but only occupy the first few hundred feet and for now, i'm holding to the theary that upscale rez will follow, not precede quality jobs. Jobs is #1. But i also hold that it must be the wealth creating type, not the public sector, tax sucking type. Yes civil servants remit%% taxes but their workplaces do not, rather public buildings occupy prime real estate but arguably contribute nothing to the city.

%% remit, not 'pay'. Civil servants do not pay taxes, they only return a portion of what they originally took from the taxpayer. Ooooh, am i gonna get downvoted for that, but dv cannot refute the logic. ;-)

Comment edited by canbyte on 2010-05-08 16:13:48

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