Comment 40560

By jason (registered) | Posted May 07, 2010 at 18:08:13

(I'm an associative personality, so it is a little offensive to me to say," "Good luck getting anything other than a death metal band next to our steel mills.")

my apologies if that came across offensively. I was simply making the point that only a small segment of music genres would feel comfortable holding a show in that location. I was the biggest Metallica fan for years (not death metal I know, but back then it was pretty rockin) so I wasn't meaning to demean that particular music style.

I think we need a venue that is suitable for all music styles. Let's be honest, the demographics showing up to a Diana Krall concert are usually a little different than those showing up for metal. They're a lot pickier and dare I say (at the risk of offending someone else) 'more yuppyish' LOL

I love all music styles and want a venue in a location that is attractive for all promoters.

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