Comment 40533

By Hamiltonbooster (anonymous) | Posted May 07, 2010 at 13:48:40

Jason, you say, "I'm a big Cat fan too, but I'd just assume see the team move to the Hamilton side of Milton instead of build a stadium in the wrong location here.

They've had two years to work on this and choose 11 days before the deadline to throw this at everyone. No sympathy from this fan."

Firstly, you may be a Cat fan, but certainly are not a Hamilton fan if you can see the Cats moving to Milton.

Secondly, if you think the Cats have waited til now to indicate their displeasure with the West Harbour site, you haven't been paying attention. The papers have been rife with this information for many, many months now; in fact, almost from the beginning. It is that now, apparently, Bob Young has done a financial analysis which confirmed their initial reservations; and the deal doesn't make sense. The real question is why the city didn't do this analysis earlier and arrive at a sensible solution.

Let's separate the need to revitilize the downtown which we all want from the need to build a new stadium and see the beloved Cats thrive...which all of us should want. Why does it have to be either or? Why can't it be both?? Move the stadium and have Mr. Young help, as someone else suggested, help with the West Harbour revitilization. If he can be accommodated he will help, I am sure....and in case some of you doubters need convincing...he bought the team when it was bankrupt to help the city and has continually poured money into it....let's give him some respect and a chance to succeed!!

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