Comment 40532

By FenceSitter (anonymous) | Posted May 07, 2010 at 13:22:08

Ivor Wynn is a city owned stadium.

The Ticats are the major tenant.

How much money do the Ticats pay each year to the city of Hamilton??

Is it not the Ticats who are reducing the losses that the City would otherwise incur if Ivor Wynn sat empty ?? Who is subsidising who here??

The City is unable to rent out Ivor Wynn 365 days of the year to cover expenses. The shortfall should not be termed a subsidy for the Ticats. Politics at play here.

Remember what is important. A legacy venue that can be used by everyone in the community that does not sit empty. The west harbour is probably the best location.

The time has passed for me to say I do not want to spend this money on a new stadium. The time has probably passed for the Ticats to complain.

I do not like the Ticats tactics/decision, but I ask...Why did it come to this??

Some one needs to lend an olive branch to the two sides. I just hope someone picks it up.

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