Comment 40305

By mikeonthemountain (registered) | Posted April 30, 2010 at 14:17:33

When traffic starts to get unbearable they build new lanes or they build new roads

... instead of adding GO trains or otherwise building up incentives to have more efficient alternatives instead of a continuously growing population all individually piling into single occupant vehicles. You can't add lanes eternally to infinity. At some point there is a maximum reached of possible concentration of single occupant vehicles. Plus long before the mathematical limit is actually reached, quality of life is reduced to sucky levels. That's not ideology that's just reality.

A good example is the lane being added to the QEW right now

At least it's a HOV lane. Although small in the scheme of things, at least there is incentive for greater efficiency attached to this extra lane project - it is an incentive for carpooling and taking GO to Toronto (the bus will be able to zoom past all the stopped cars). If it was another lane for any vehicles it'd be just as stop and go as the other three lanes.

Comment edited by mikeonthemountain on 2010-04-30 13:19:32

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