Comment 40075

By Kiely (registered) | Posted April 22, 2010 at 16:31:59

The city could do this in a jiffy by simply converting Ottawa St North to 4 lanes one-way, King St in Dundas to 4 lanes one-way, King St in Stoney Creek to 4 lanes one-way, Concession St to 4 lanes one-way, Wilson in Ancaster to 4 lanes one-way and so forth. People are ultimately selfish. - jason

I don't know about that Jason. Is it the flow of traffic or design of the streetscape? I have to admit this whole one way roads as a blight on downtown thing is new to me. I grew up right next to a city of 80K (Waterloo) that had two three-lane one way streets (Erb and Bridgeport) running from the expressway through residential neighbourhoods and in to downtown (or "uptown" as they call it). Never in 20 years did I ever hear any complaints about them.

I will conceded that in many spots Main, King, Cannon and Wilson streets are abominations of urban planning. They are ugly, unfriendly, unwelcoming streets for the most part but I don't think the direction of traffic is as big a factor as the basic streetscape/design is. Losing a lane on each and installing some trees and making them more scenic, walking friendly and safe would do more for these streets than a mere change of direction.

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