Comment 40048

By jason (registered) | Posted April 22, 2010 at 10:18:14

The city of Hamilton should strongly convey the reasons why this great sounding traffic system actually kills the businesses and land it speeds by, and then do the right thing and convert Main and King to two-way traffic.

The city could do this in a jiffy by simply converting Ottawa St North to 4 lanes one-way, King St in Dundas to 4 lanes one-way, King St in Stoney Creek to 4 lanes one-way, Concession St to 4 lanes one-way, Wilson in Ancaster to 4 lanes one-way and so forth. People are ultimately selfish. Once they see their own precious neighbourhoods quality of life lowered they will support a move to convert all one-ways to two-way. Not because they give a rip about downtown, but due to the negative effects in their own neighbourhoods.

Otherwise, I don't see how the city can convince outlying residents that these street should change, especially when their councillors don't support downtown either.

Comment edited by jason on 2010-04-22 09:18:53

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