Comment 40047

By synxer (registered) | Posted April 22, 2010 at 10:04:11

There is a divide here that I think can be easily overlooked.

  • The angered motorist who is stuck on North America and auto
  • The cyclist/environmentalist/etc.
  • The general public who couldn't see a problem with an efficient, time saving, flow controlling idea to which one-way streets provide.

My out-of-town friends often comment about Hamilton's traffic system. "5PM and you can get home in 15 minutes? Those one-way streets!" or similar positively re-enforced comment. I used to take pride in that fact. Then I learned the long-term effects. My opinion changed immediately but it is hard for any one person to be deeply informed about topics such as these. If you have an inclined interest, sure. It is easy for us to see these obvious, necessary changes because we had a desire at one point or another to know more.

Most people do not care or want to know how a city is built, no more than how a cell phone is built. They just want the person who's doing the work to do it right and do it based on the "correct way". In Hamilton, the correct way is one-way streets.

The city of Hamilton should strongly convey the reasons why this great sounding traffic system actually kills the businesses and land it speeds by, and then do the right thing and convert Main and King to two-way traffic. Make those 2 streets work well, then move on.

I respect the Mayor's position on studies, but Hamilton studied very little to get in this mess. Studies might not give the answers we need. Proven examples are available today. Pick your city.

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