Comment 40003

By d.knox (registered) | Posted April 21, 2010 at 09:43:59

Grassroots: I don't know how people manage on welfare. I really don't. I don't understand the economics of how a single person can get by on $572.00 per month if rent for a bachelor is $550.00 incl. I could not live on the remaining $22.00, and believe me, I can manage.

So, that leaves me suspicious and cynical. Because the people on welfare, who are nowhere near as competent and I am, seem to be able to afford satellite and cigarettes, in addition to a place to live. Someone is not telling the truth. I assume that I am being lied to; that there is much more money available to people on assistance than I'm being told about. I have stopped reacting to the plight of the poor, because I don't believe it.

You are telling me that you are facing dire circumstances. I believe you and I feel dreadful for someone in your situation (and you) - a working person who falls on hard times. But there has to be something you aren't including when you tell us how hard it is, because the numbers don't add up.

Who are all these poor people who are able to smoke and select from a wide range of television channels when they are on welfare? How can we continue to believe the alarmist statistics when we are confronted with the evidence that people have enough money for cable and cigarettes and junk food. This just doesn't jive with the assertion that people are so poor they can barely afford to house themselves, let alone buy broccoli.

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