Comment 39998

By grassroots are the way forward (registered) | Posted April 20, 2010 at 22:42:32

D Knox writes: I have a hard time feeling anything but indifference

We all make choices, is that a fact eh, well in my travels, that is not so true, people find themsleves in situations because of circumstances beyond their control, such as losing a job, not finding work fast enough and finding yourself on welfare. You could be sick or injuried and not have a benefit package at work, not be entitled to wsib and left on welfare.

But you see, if you have never gone through that process, how can make statements.

So as it stands today, if you lost your job, EI ran out, no work in sight, you would be stripped of almost all your assets and well, then you would be facing peple like yourself, who are indifferent. You are crying becuase you are losing your home and people telling you about choices.

I wonder how you would feel if the shoe was on the other foot. I do not think you would like it. But then there is always karma.

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