Comment 39848

By michaelcumming (registered) - website | Posted April 15, 2010 at 17:45:22

One thing for sure is that Hamilton has concentrations of poverty. The evisceration of manufacturing likely has something to do with this. Another factor seems to be the 'Parkdale' effect: governments and agencies who encourage the poor to settle and concentrate in already disadvantaged neighbourhoods.

One thing I have noticed in my travels through the deepest, darkest east-end is that many of these neighbourhoods are not so bad, compared to other cities I've seen. The air quality is not always great but there is little overt aggression or hostility to visitors. It doesn't feel all that much different from the west end - just the real estate values seem much lower. Despair from residents seems absent, at least compared to parts of Buffalo, Pittsburgh, of Cleveland. In those cities the disparities of income can reach South American levels of inequity and the despair seems palpable.

Comment edited by michaelcumming on 2010-04-15 16:45:59

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