Comment 398

By Ted Mitchell (registered) | Posted January 13, 2006 at 08:28:17

One unfortunate feature is the scrap metal business in the valley just west of TH&B bridge, unchanged, in all scenarios. Hopefully with the clout of the City / Mac this property could eventually be purchased. Without this it would be harder to alter Aberdeen for easier bike / pedestrian concerns.

What was NOT addressed are bike lanes and pedestrian access linking MIP to the rest of the city, even McMaster main campus (apparently this is left up to the City - Good Lord!). i.e. nothing said about: Longwood 403 bridge, connection over railroad to Charlton or Stanley, bike lanes at Aberdeen, path through CP bridge to Emerson, other path possibilities (Aberdeen access ramp etc) These are all "out of their scope", although the Mac people are aware of these problems and some live in the neighbourhood.

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