Comment 39732

By Kiely (registered) | Posted April 13, 2010 at 14:59:33

Grassroots, I understand this is a deeply personal issue for you, but there is no place for insults and name-calling in a civil discussion - especially a discussion over such an important issue. Let's all please try to keep the discussion respectful. - Ryan

Hmm??? I think some of moylek's comments warranted grassroots' response. Referring to someone as "thick headed" or saying they don't get it is hardly insulting or even name calling. At least you'd have to do better than that to hurt my feelings.

Personally, I find the comment below more insulting.

As for Eat the Math - it's not relevant; it's a publicity stunt. How many people on welfare or among the working poor would have to resort to eating only food bank rations? -moylek

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