Comment 39722

By Kiely (registered) | Posted April 13, 2010 at 14:13:49

Why don't the poor make spaghetti carbonara? Because many don't know how.

Poverty isn’t just about money, it's about a lack of life skills, about a break down in the social fabric that makes healthy families, neighbourhoods and societies. It is a loss of the low end jobs that used to keep the marginally employable employed (e.g., grocery baggers). It is about our politicians being dominated by special interest and a "democracy" that favours the whims of the elite. It is the notion that everyone has the ability to succeed if they work hard enough without the frank realisation that some people simply don't have the means to mentally or physically. It is a breakdown in people caring about people, the rise of the "me and mine" and the lack of understanding that we all must pay our share if we want a society worth living in.

We can easily isolate ourselves from reality and things we don't wish to see. Many people believe they can live in some gated McMansion community with 2 German cars in the driveway and not care about their fellow man and the society they live in without the effects of an increasingly uncaring and unjust society affecting their quality of life. All of this eventually manifests itself as a lack of money for the poor, but it is more than that, it is an eroding of the very essence of our society and communities. The root cause? It is people… The majority simply do not care as long as it isn't them.

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